Asosiasaun Defisiensia Fiar TLS (ADFTL)


The Association Disability Trust Timor - Leste in tetun we call Asosiasaun Defisiensia Fiar Timor - Leste (ADFTL) was established in Baucau Municipality on February 2nd ,2021 by seven people with disabilities and eight people without disabilities. The main reason of establishing ADFTL is to gather people with disabilities in region I which comprises of Baucau, Lautem, Viquequeand Manatuto Municipalities to promote their talents and abilities. To ensure their rights are protected, promoted and fulfilled, and to struggle for the elimination of discrimination against people with disabilities because People with disabilities have the same right and obligation as people without disabilities as cited in the constitution of the republic of Timor - Leste at article 16 and 21. In addition, the existence of ADFT is to advocate the right of people with disabilities to access on education, health, justice, job opportunity and so forth. Additionally, ADFTL has a commitment to provide training to the families of persons with disabilities, communities, the leader of communities, health professionals, teachers and students, people with disabilities, NGOs and governments concerning the issues of people with disabilities. The reason is that many people with disabilities in rural or remote areas including children and women with disabilities of all types are still experiencing marginalization, discrimination, stigma, sexual abused and the societies still having wrong perspective toward people with disabilities including the use of wrong terminologies toward them in daily basis communication. Moreover, ADFTL was established to address the policy of Timor - Leste government concerning the inclusive society and inclusion plans and programmes for accessing education, job/employment, justice, and health. Also, to ensure the implementation of the United Nations conventions the rights of persons with disabilities which was ratified by the Timor - Leste national parliament on July 04th 2022 and has been promulgated on July 12th, 2022. ADFTL is one of the civil societies in Timor - Leste to gather persons with disabilities and vulnerable people to promote their talents and to struggle for the protection on the fundamental rights of the citizens with disabilities and vulnerable people in the social, economic, cultural, and political aspects in the present and forward.


The vision of ADFTL is to build a smart, better life, responsible, equality, equity and sustainable society.


1.To work with state to develop human resources and professional training to people with disabilities and vulnerable people. 2.To work with the local, regional, National, and international development partners to ensure the rights and obligations of persons with disabilities


To promote democracy which ensuring participation, equality, justice, and tolerance to all human beings from various aspects of life in Timor - Leste. 2. To participate and being a critic partner for national, regional, and local development through training, monitoring, and advocacy as means of empowering the society of Timor -Leste particularly persons with disabilities and vulnerable people.

The principal programmes of ADFTL

1.Education 2. Advocacy for inclusion 3.Health promotion and referral assistance for persons with disabilities 4.Empowerment for women with and women with disabilities 5.Music/art and Culture 6.Livelihood and agriculture 7.Child with and children with disabilities focusing activities 8. Design and create accessibility for people with disabilities


Asosiasaun Defisiensia Fiar Timor_Leste (ADFTL) Iha inisiativa atu selebrasaun Loron Mundial ba Ema ho Defisiensia iha Munisipiu Baucau
Asosiasaun Defisiensia Fiar Timor-Leste (ADFTL) hala'o Audiensia ho Country Diretor TAF ho nia ekipa.
Iha Dia 19 October 2023, Loron Quinta Feira, Loke Abertura ba Kursu Lian Korea no Distribui Certifikadu ba Estudante Kusrsu Lian Ingles.
Director Executivu ADFTL, Halao Audensia ho Secretaria de Estado da Igualidade (SEI).
Asosiasaun Defisiensia Fiar Timor_Leste (ADFTL) halao Audensia ho Director SEFOPE Munisipio Baucau.
Ekipa husi Asosiasaun Defisiensia Fiar Timor_Leste (ADFTL) hasoru malu ho ekipa husi President Autoridade Munisipio Baucau.
Diretor ADFTL ho nia Membrus, halo Aprosimasaun ba Ema ho Defisiensia Matan iha Suco Seical no Uai-Lili